My Collection of Personalized Jason's Autographs.

I treasure these items as they are very special.

Thank you, Jason, for your generosity and thanks to my dear friends who obtained these for me.

The Dumb Waiter, March 2007


My dearest friends Kay (Webmum of Jason's FanZone) and Meryl asked Jason to sign this montage I created at the UK Peter Pan Premiere, Dec 2003. In spite of their nervousness in front of him they still remembered!

Leon got this for me by mail :)

Jason signed this 2005 calendar for me in person at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival

Jason generously took his time and inscribed the lovely message for me in Providence, RI.

October 2005

Leon again kindly asked Jason to autograph this photo for me for my surprise 2005 Christmas gift.

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