Sundance Film Festival

Jan 21, 2006

Press Roundtables at Village at the Lift, Park City

The Snogarazzi 5 were able to have a 5 on 1 with Jason briefly (Never long enough!) We did get some burning questions answered.

Video shot by Denise

Transcribed by Susan


About this year calendar (2006)

Video Clip 1

Jason was very impressed at the October Tavington page done by SilkSparrow.

DF: what did you think of your calendar this year?

JI: fantastic, my friends cannot believe it, I need to knock out more jobs, I’ve got nothing new on there. (He flipped the calendar to the Tavington page and did a double take)

LL: that’s touched up Tavvy

Char: we had a lot of good artists this year, of the members



Who else he wants to work with:

Video Clip 2

DF: is there anybody you wanted to work with that you haven’t yet

JI: um, god yeah, gazillions of them...I never like to work with actors that are too good

I asked him to explain DJ's notorious scar

Video Clip 3

Char:   what was the scar that DJ has (Event Horizon).

JI:        That was, I tell you what it was that I didn’t get in the story…um any flashback or any fear made real by…It must be happening to DJ, we are just not seeing it, so I worked backward from the fact that I get gutted at the end of the film…I thought maybe DJ had an operation when he was younger or whatever, on his ?? or something… his nightmare is he gets opened up, because, eventually his nightmare comes true and he does get opened up, so …I guess when everything got tense, sometimes you see him fingering it as if I’d just had an episode

DF: do you clean the toilets at home?

JI: absolutely never in my life have I cleaned the toilets

All: laughter

DF: I hate it when he’s right

JI: why, they’ll just get dirty again, its like

DF: you don’t understand, a man that will clean your toilets without question, that’s foreplay

JI: yeah, right, that’s probably true, but I’m not going to talk about my sex life

When asked about Lucius role

DL: I’m sorry, I missed the bit, you said you were talking before about playing the role in Harry Potter, just tell the kind of things you, um….would you mind, kind of going through it

JI: no sure, the thing about being in HP, …is the enormous pleasure is that I can have such an effect on kids, not obviously on the ones watching, but the ones I know and come across, is that I get to sleep in my own, in London, for at least, for a month every couple of years, that is also the practical thing about it ….and um be part, be part of some legacy

I think possibly generations watching for a long time

I hope I get to carry on, I don’t know if I get to carry on with him and I have my fingers crossed about that, I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen there

DL: Are you anxiously anticipating the release of book seven to see if you’re in there

JI: yeah, I don’t know if I’m going to be in the film. I should I imagine that I’m not going to be in the sixth film as I’m not in the book unless they decide to go wildly off track

All: yeah, we…(agreement)

JI: unsurprisingly these women who’ve driven across the country to come see and me think that I should feature largely in book five, but they would probably have it called Lucius Malfoy and the Order of the Phoenix or something like that. That’s not necessary representative.......

I’m hoping Jo Rowling is sitting, planning a big bust out of prison for Lucius Malfoy

When asked about US

DL: is it enjoyable for you to have such a following

JI: do you know what, I feel slightly blessed, because I had for a while, for many years in fact, I had a crazy stalker I had to take to court, to court a lot. I had a lot of scares around. And then when I started to gather...gather these…I didn’t start to gather…

All: (laughter)

JI: …when these lovely and completely crazy and completely insane ladies…decided to focus on my career, god knows for what reason, I thought for a long time my mother was sending them cheques…I was a little bit, you know, tentative about having any contact with them, but they’ve been so delightful and so warm and supportive, particularly in the periods when I’m never working, and not giving anything for them to focus on, they continue to be ??, cards and send presents and stuff, and they can’t be anything but lovely,  it's taken me a long time for me to let my guard down, but you know, they’ll, they will brave fire and fog

Erin: Jason I’m stealing your UGGs (She has LOTS of shopping bags in her hands)

JI: DON’T you dare

Erin: come on, let’s go

DL: thank you for your time, did you want to finish

JI: no, they’ll brave fire and ice and tornados and come somewhere and make you feel special

Susan asked about the necklace he wore everywhere the past year.

Video Clip 4

Transcribed by Susan (LL)

LL: one of the big questions they have on the board, that they want answering

JI: yeah

LL: is what is the necklace you are wearing

JI: Oh, Lily picked it for me on the beach

All: awwww

JI: purple, ..little purple thing on the beach…from a guy, a little girl at a stall, who’s mother had just left or died? I can’t quite remember, I think just left, he was a guy with three little kids, and they hadn’t sold anything all day and I went to I went to buy something from another stall, that Lily picked, the woman, very nice said , buy from that guy, his wife’s just left him. A little kid came up, and er…I said ’Lily which one do you like’ and they were all horrible, but there was this one nice thing, well that one

I said, “Well how much is it”.

Little kid said something like “twenty dollars” , very expensive, clearly not even worth ten dollars, not worth that and she turned around and, “Dad, dad he’s going to pay 20 dollars for it, but I bought it and I wore it forever and then it broke. We have to find, Lily and I will have to find another one together.

JI: I’ve got to go…..

All: Thanks

JI: no, nice to

JI – Jason Isaacs

DF – Denise (Katydid34)

MV – Marie (Mverdera)

LL – Susan (LadyLucius)

DL – Dave Larsen (journalist)

Char – Chari910

Kate - Cateloveyes

Erin – organizer lady trying to pry Jason away from us.



Roundtable Page I

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