Episode 8

Job 31:5-6

Michael takes an old girlfriend on a road trip. Rose plans a surprise birthday party for Michael. Eileen tries to reform. Tommy maneuvers to get himself a promotion.

Michael takes this old girlfriend Kath Perry on a milk run to New Jersey to pick up some money for Freddie. When the plan goes awry, Michael resorts to what he knows best-violence. Kath sticks by him and he realizes how much he cares for her. Sensing Michael drifting away from her, Rose goes overboard in planning a surprise birthday party for him, only to be angered when Michael shows up with Kath in tow. Determined to stay sober, Eileen fends off her demons as best she can, but the stress proves too much. She falls off the wagon and is caught drinking by Pete. The Speaker tumbles in a scandal, so Tommy plays on the insecurities of the new Speaker to get himself promoted to the Majority Leader-the number two position in the house.


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